Image by Gilbatree Art Designer, weird floating babies and all….
I reposted a thing earlier where an incel (a term people CHOOSE to identify themselves that I did NOT make up or choose for them) referred to women as “legbeards,” which I am still laughing at.
But first, a round “Fuck You” from my ankle still bleeding from the shower. Call me when you have the balls to wax yours. No don’t, I’m still not interested.
So if I referred to you as “back hair,” “ear hair,” “nose hair,” “ass hair,” “summer ball stank,“ or some other rude objectifying pejorative indicating my personal preferences for other people’s grooming practices, that would be what?
Probably the precise “toxic bitch” shit y’all are always banging on about. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and vice versa. You lead by being rude, abusive, and 1000% unfuckable, then BLAME THEM for not liking it. It's not the hardest algorithm to crack, brainiac.
Oddly enough, I know no women like you describe anymore. I use discernment and don’t allow vile people in my life or allow them to remain once identified.
More for you. Ever had a dude pull his girlfriend off your face? I have.
Regardless of what you read about dipping pigtails in inkwells, society no longer teaches girls and young women that people who are rude, abusive, “negging” (or nagging) get a free pass to act like human garbage because “they like you.” The best I can tell, that was a dirty lie passed around by men who wanted women to accept their abuse instead of remaining free to find real love.
My grandma warned me over 35 years ago, when I was just 15, about people like you. She was ahead of the curve and married some assholes in her day. She would laugh her ASS off if I told her about your victim movement. Back in her day, and even in ours, there are people with REAL problems making less fuss.
If you are of the age to consent to sex and haven’t learned that being rude, like you AREN’T to your boss or others you “respect,” is no way to meet decent people you’d want in your life, it is putting the cart before the horse to blame others for your tone-deaf stupidity.
If your standard for a partner is “shaves legs” and “looks hot,” but nothing more, you get what you pay for. The lowest common denominator is going to be bitches who want someone taller than them in heels and enough cash in the bank to be your rent-to-own prostitute before the next fresh dick to land on comes along.
If a nice girl falls into your trap, she will walk away from your abuse the first chance to realize it. The same goes if it is fake: love bombing has a pretty short shelf life and is a huge red flag for…something. I don’t know you well enough to know if you are, but you are indeed forging a path to even nastier places.
It’s not her. It’s you. You target, objectify, manipulate, and demand. It’s creepy and most people don’t care for it.
Leave us the fuck out of what you choose to bring upon yourself.
Just because you enjoy complaining more than self-reflection, doesn’t mean we have to put up with listening to your dumb ass
You reap what you sow. Rubber, glue. You act a way that attracts the female counterpart to whatever you have become, then use that to prove that you were right all along, and justify further unacceptable behavior.
How is that working out for you? You aren’t getting laid and I assure you I am whether I shave my legs or not. I have entire new human beings as testament to it. Who is “winning” do you suppose?
Why take the advice of losers doing just as poorly as you instead? Enjoy your downward spiral down the drain of the manosphere. If only it could be avoided?!
What woman is at fault for your behavior, standards or choices? Probably mommy, because she raised such an insufferable douche-bag. I bet she can’t WAIT for you to stop being a loser, make your own life, and stop playing the fucking victim.
Have some fucking pride, man. I’ve raised toddlers that whine less.
You can’t build anything real worth having on a landfill of lies and superficial requirements. Don’t feel special; NOBODY can. If you want a doll to play with, go fucking buy one. A woman is a sentient being, not at your command or whim. Involuntary celibacy is a CHOICE to remain an awful person and blame others instead.
Imagine hating someone for being too smart to swoon for the dumpster fire you have on offer. So, anyone with standards?
“I know you’d like to think your shit don’t stank” - Outkast
Expectations of others are nothing but a one-way ticket to disappointment. We cannot control others, not really, and not for long. We control ourselves; one meat puppet per customer, please.
Choose misery all you want; it’s no skin off my ass, but for fuck’s sake, stop calling attention to how pathetic you are by ALSO begging for sympathy. I have no sympathy for the willfully ignorant. I have more pressing things to address.
Not one of you is getting a dick anywhere near me or any other woman with her common sense intact as has been aptly demonstrated.